
Who is Toni Iwobi? The First Elected Black Senator In Italy


who is Toni Iwobi

You have heard and read the news about the first elected black senator in Italy and wondering who is Toni Iwobi, who was born in Gusau in Northern Nigeria, A business owner who graduated in economics (marketing and business management) in Manchester and arrived in Italy as a student with a domicile in Treviglio


Named Toni Chike Iwobi

Born in Gusau, Northern Nigeria

A Nigerian by nationality Italian by nationalization

He is married to an Italian woman and has two children

A graduate of Economics {marketing and business management}

He founded Data Communication Labs Limited in 2001

He previously worked for AMSA (Milanese Environmental Services Company)

In 1993, he was elected to the city council of spirano with the lega Nord until 2014

In the period 2010-2014 he was also councilor for social services

He was elected senator in the Italian political elections of 2018, becoming the first black senator in the history of Italy


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