
Rccg Fasting And Prayer for 2019 Day 17

SUNDAY 27th Jan 2019 DAY 17:


1. Let us decree peace into our countries. Psa. 23.2

2. Let us decree peace into our homes Psa. 23.2

3. Let us pray against riots and war in our countries Psa. 23.2

4. Pray for peaceful weather all over the world. Psa. 91.10-13

5. Pray for the president of your country and his/her cabinet. 1Tim. 2.1-4

6. Pray for the salvation of souls of the politicians and leaders of your country 1 Tim. 2.1-4

7. Pray for the progress of your country

8. Pray against natural disasters in your country. Psa. 91.3

9. Let us pray against road accident, plane crash and ship wreck. Psa. 91

10. Ask God to breathe the breath of life into all good efforts of the rulers in your country. Gen 2.7

11. Ask God to visit your country and reverse the irreversible. Psa. 125.3

12. Let us ask God to protect His children from sudden death. Psa. 91.7-8

13. Pray for safe arrival of all travelers throughout this year. Psa. 91.1

14. Pray against fire disaster in your homes and offices Psa. 91.

15. Pray that every evil association that is against your progress be scattered. Isa. 45.2

16. Pray that God will make a way for you where there is no way. Ex. 14.19-26

17. Pray that God will make you the head and not the tail. Deut 28.13

18. Let us ask for open heavens for all nations of the world. Deut. 28.12

19. Let us ask God to help all the nations Presidents and their Cabinets to lead us rightly. 1 Tim 2.1-4

20. Let us pray that God will raise men of vision to move us forward in all our nations. 1 Tim 2.1-4 21. Let us ask God for His intervention in the Banking system of respective nation. Psa. 127.1







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