
RCCG 2019 Fasting And Prayer Day 8

RCCG 2019 Fasting And Prayer

The RCCG 2019 fasting and prayer clocks 8 today, as we keep praying and fasting for ourselves and other aspects of life, you and I know that prayer works, let us endeavor to partake fully in this rccg 2019 fasting and prayer to char a new course for our life in this year.

Date:       FRIDAY 18th Jan 2019

DAY:      8


1. Intense praise and worship

2. Ask God for mercies for past acts of non commitment

3. Pray that you will be more available for God use this year. 2 Tim 2:21
4. Pray that our Churches at home and abroad will be more committed to the courses of mission outreaches. 2 Cor. 6:1

5. Pray that they will be more passionately involved in missions, evangelism, Church planting and discipleship this year. Matt 28: 19

6. Pray that they will do this by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Lk.24:49; Acts1:8;

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