
Prayers For Married Couples

Prayers For Married Couples

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Prayers for married couples is very crucial, a family that prays together stays together. As a married couple, you both should have time to pray for your marriage, in a way to make it stronger and fresher in the Lord, either you both have separate times you say your prayers individually, or you come together at times to change things about your wedding.

Praying together as husband and wife strengthen your love for each other it even reflects in the life of the children because, both in spiritual and physical the kids are benefited that is why prayers for married couples should be what every head of the family should instil in the life of his wife.

Prayers For Married Couples

Praise and worship

Lord Jesus, thank you for giving me this man/woman.

O Lord, arise now and disgrace every power challenging the purpose of God for my marriage in
the name of Jesus

I shake off every evil hindrance to the purpose of God for my marriage in Jesus name.

Let every evil counsel, plan, devices, activities, expectation and imagination of the oppression
against my Marriage be rendered null and void in the name of Jesus.

Let all pronouncement uttered against me, against my marriage by demonic tongue be nullified in
the name of Jesus.

All problems connected to polygamy in my family lineage in the tree of my husband family, be
completely neutralized by the blood of Jesus.


Father Lord, let the purpose of the enemy for my life, for my marriage begin to happen in their life

I command every tongue issuing destruction against my marriage be condemned in Jesus name.

I command all curses issues against my Marriage to be smashed and broken beyond repair in the Mighty name of Jesus.

Lord Jesus reschedule the enemy of my marriage to a useless assignment in Jesus name.

I break every spell of anti-marriage curses upon me and my husband/wife in Jesus name.

I cut my marriage off from every territorial and tribal spirit in the name of Jesus.

I cancel every evil vow that is affecting my marriage negatively in Jesus name Jesus.

Father Lord remove every contempt and reproach in my life and in my marriage in the mighty
name of Jesus.

Let the timetable of the enemy and the clock of the enemy against my life, against my marriage,
against the life of my husband/wife be destroyed in the name of Jesus.

Let the effects of strange woman/man that has touched my marriage in the name of Jesus.
in the name of Jesus.

I command the spirit that made one abandon Marriage to be bound in my home, in my life, in the name of Jesus.

Father Lord, put your divine laughter into my life this month in the name of Jesus.

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