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Prayer Points Against HinderingSpirits

What are hindering spirits?

prayer points against hindering spirits

Prayer points against hindering spirits. The spirit of hindrance are the spirits that holds you down to a spot in life. With all your human efforts to move forward in anything you do, you still find it difficult to progress in life. Hindering spirits on any human can make such individual staying for years without any major breakthrough or advancement in life.

The little things your mates do and scale, such a person may find it difficult to achieve, in such situations, you tend to think you are not good, competent or knowledgeable enough. Whereas, those that are not much better than you are doing it successfully. Hindering spirit weighs a man down, it makes you feel unaccomplished, unsuccessful and look at yourself like a failure in life but God is good to take you out of the challenges and destroy the spirit of hindrance in your life.

How To Overcome The Spirit Of Hindrance

Acknowledge the fact that God can solve the problem: Putting all your trust on God alone is that the problem is solved already, when you believe in God he is the only one that can put a stop to the activities of hindering spirits in your life.

Do away with sins: God hate sins and stays far away from sinners, you will have to completely do away with anything that will make God to seem far away from you.

Move closer to God: The closer the better, move closer and walk in spirit with God. When you walk with God, he will never leave or forsake you, he carries you through every situations unhurt

Have a spiritual guardian: Get in contact a spiritual leader that can lead you more to Christ and pray along with you in the situation you are currently facing; remember, two are better than one

Pray fervently against it: Tell me that problem that God is unable to solve, pray fervently about the situation and God will surly turn things around for your good.

Work on yourself: where you need to develop yourself, skill set, please do. In terms of characters and attitude please do, such do hinder people progress in life invest in yourself for advancement in life.

20 prayer points against hindering spirits

That spirit that follows me around, hinders good things coming my way. Lord God destroy

The power and grace I need to conquer every hindering spirit in my life, Lord give it to me

That spirit of hindrances that has held me down for years, Lord God destroy it by fire

Every arrow of hindrances shot into my life I say get out of my life now

You hindering spirit, I am no more your candidate, get out of my life now in Jesus name

The hindering spirit that stops my parent from moving forward in life and wants t start working in my life, be destroyed by fire now

You spirit of hindrance in my family your time is up now, get out

That man or woman in my family that is putting hindrances on people’s way, I command you to die by fire

The age long of hindrance in my lineage, your time is up today

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Father Lord, that thing I do that is causing hindrances in my life, father Lord help me to stop it

Lord, let the power of accomplishment come upon me

The hindrances that follows me anywhere I go, Lord destroy it by fire

The mark of hindrance that people see in my body Lord God, erase it now in Jesus name

Wherever that thing that is causing hindrances in my life is kept, father Lord send your mighty thunder to destroy it

My father, the spirit of hindrance that goes with me or ahead of me to places I should receive help, God destroy it by fire

God, the things I needed to achieve and accomplish to eliminate hindrances in my life, God help me to achieve it

The spirit of mediocrity that held me down and got me stuck in one position for years, God destroy it in Jesus name

Father Lord, come and make me an accomplish individual

Lord, let your grace and mercy speak for me every day of my life so hindrances will not overcome my life

Heavenly father, I thank you for helping me to destroy the spirit of hindrances in my life as I become to move forward in life generally

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