
Prayer for Spiritual Growth

So you desire to grow spiritually? Who doesn’t? But growing is not always as easy as we might like. We need help. And God promises it to us. This post will help you discover how to seek God, His grace, and His power for more growth in your life than you can imagine.

Prayer is a radical dependence on God and a total surrender to His will for our lives. If you are ready go deeper in your walk with God, let Living Prayer be your trusted guide.

Someone once said that if you want to change the world, you must first pray God to help you change yourself. In this Prayer for Spiritual Growth, we will address our desperate need for the Lord to change us–to make us more like Jesus and less like ourselves.

There’s no more powerful way for Christians to grow than through prayer. But so many of us feel unequipped to have effective prayer lives.

If you are looking for a heartfelt prayer to ask God for His spiritual guidance in your own life and the lives of others, consider using the below sample prayer.

Prayer for Spiritual Growth

Sovereign Lord, this life is a wonderful opportunity to experience Your love and enjoy You forever. Do not allow me to become complacent but let me have an insatiable desire to grow in Your love and grace. Fill my life with the joy of Your Spirit and let me grow tall and strong in You, through Christ, my Lord. Amen.

Heavenly Father, You can do mighty things through even the lowliest of servants. It is not a matter of the abilities of the person You work through but of Your ability to bring Your will to pass through them. Lord, here I am. Send me. Build me up with spiritual strength shown not through physical feats, but faith. Amen.

Loving God, You taught us to pray unceasingly. For it is Your will that Your people be full of joy. You want Your people to rejoice in the morning, evening, and all the time. Yet, the most joyous people are the most thankful people. Therefore, let me grow in gratitude and thankfulness, that we do not take Your salvation for granted. Amen.

Father God, You have often told us to get wisdom. You praise it highly, like jewels or great wealth. It is very valuable, and I want to obtain it. Teach me to become wise like Solomon. Help me to learn from him and others through Your most holy word, that through patience and instruction I may become a more Godly and faithful servant. Amen.

Lord God, if You will it, this entire universe could go to nothing. What am I before You that I should ever question You? You are loving and gracious, and I am selfish and insignificant in Your presence. Because Your will is good, help me to always walk in the light of it. Help me to keep growing in Your will as wheat grows up from the soil through Christ, my Lord. Amen.



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