
Prayer Against Sudden Demotion

sudden demotion

A sudden demotion is a situation where someone that is highly ranked suddenly comes down to a lower level. It may either be in the office or community. Demotion in life brings negative feelings to the person, feelings like depression, bad attitude towards life and suicidal attempt or feelings depending on the gravity of the sudden demotion.

When someone got demoted, just know that it is not the end of the world, It may just be an avenue to check yourself and the people surrounding you, that should let you have a rethink about life, where you are, where are you going? What are you doing? Not just brooding on the issue without actions to come out of the sudden demotion. Don’t let It show or known to people, just believe in you and trust God for an upliftment that is above your former position.


Wherever people are gathered, planning for my demotion, God bring confusion into their midst

Whoever has vowed ha he/she will demote me will be the one to be demoed in life in Jesus name

those that are gathered at my place of work working towards m demotion, God of heaven, strike them with a sickness that they will not even have time for my case in Jesus name

Any arrow of demotion that has been shot into my life, I say back to the sender in Jesus name

Powers from my fathers’ house that do not want me o excel in life, God let our fire go into that house and burn those powers into ashes


Any power that wants to bring sudden demotion into my life, father Lord destroy them by fire

I pray that demotion and stagnation is far from my household in Jesus name

the mighty power of God will take me to place of my greatness in Jesus name

I will continually increase in all ramification, demotions are never ma portion in Jesus name.






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