
I Did Not Start NSPPD Says Pastor Jerry Eze

Pastor Jerry Eze

In a recent live video session with gospel artist Nathaniel Bassey, Pastor Jerry Eze, founder of Streams of Joy International, disclosed that he didn’t start the popular online prayer meeting platform, New Season Prophetic Prayers and Declaration (NSPPD).
Instead, he credited his wife, Eno Jerry, with playing a major role in its birth.
According to Eze, God instructed him to start an online prayer platform, which he then tasked his wife to initiate.

Eze, who is also the highest-earning content creator in Nigeria, recently held a crusade in the United Kingdom that drew mixed reactions.
His church, Streams of Joy International, is headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria.
This revelation sheds new light on the origins of NSPPD, which has become an online community for many.

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