



Jeremiah 33:3

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not


There are times when you are going through a rough time and things are not going as planned. Often you feel neglected because you have prayed and there is no sign of positive change. Your marriage might be going through a tough time, due to preasure from your family or spouse. Your business might be facing serious financial challenges. You might be feeling uncomfortable with your health. And you might be fighting one spiritual battle or another. You are worried and discourage of the whole situation.

The text shows that our heavenly father cares and loves us. He listens even before we speak, he knows and sees our heart and he is ready to answer our prayer and complaints. You don’t need to be discouraged when there is delay. He gave us the assurance that he listens and he encourages us to call on him. Jeremiah 33:3

As a father, he has a special interest in listening to us and he will want you to call on him


Lord, open my eyes to things that am yet to know about my life and destiny, help me to focus my energy on the right part in the name of Jesus.

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