
Giving Gratitude To God

gratitude to God

Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash

Praise the lord oh my soul

Gratitude to God cannot be far fetched by any individual who is in his or her right senses, as human, what God expected from us is to knowing how to give gratitude to him 1st Thessalonian 5 vs 18 For the supply of your needs, protections and blessings is enough to always give gratitude to God

Sometimes ago, I had a disappointment in terms of an expectation which I had a believe that I will get that in week which I couldn’t get, that really hit me hard, I got exhausted, tired and downcast, I felt like why didn’t I get this thing despite all my preparations and prayer, I felt sorry for myself, that same night, while walking home in thought, I saw a mentally derailed lady going into the midst of people standing by the road side watching a movie,  those people didn’t allow her to stand in their midst, they chased her away from their midst and also a certain man walked closer to her telling her to leave that place, when I moved clover enough, I realise that particular man himself was a mad man, Immediately, I said to myself this guys don’t have any hope at the moment, the only hope they have is to get healed and get well, so why am I so worried about what has gone? Why cant I face the future and access where I have been wrong, there is a lot of hope for me in the coming hours, days, weeks and years, roll back to your feet I said, tomorrow must be better, then I began to thank God for sound health

I don’t know what you are going through at the moment, but having a sound health is enough reason to give thanks to God the almighty, all these challenges you are facing at the moment are not meant to kill you but to make you stronger and become victorious at the end of it all, {if there is no battle, there is no victory} It is only God that can take you off any challenges so why worry about things that have passed instead, you face the future with enthusiasm. Thank God for a new brighter day that will usher in the best your soul desires by giving gratitude to God, believe me, he will keep surprising you in all ways.

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