

financial breakthrough prayers

Financial breakthrough prayers to make you free from all evil devices or forces that have held you down. we all need financial success as human, despite that we are hard-working, intelligent and connections that we have, we have to keep making the sacrifice of financial breakthrough prayers to make us topple the evil powers assigned by the devil to make us unsuccessful in our life


I receive by faith the blessings that bring riches in the name of Jesus

I pray that I will be a blessing to those who lack

I confess by faith that my labour will not be in vain

I command all demonic hindrances to my breakthrough to be totally paralyzed in Jesus name

Father Lord, let every evil eye of the devil and evil men monitoring my breakthrough be blind in the name of Jesus

Father Lord, let the the windows of breakthrough in heaven open upon my life

Every evil power contesting with my financial breakthrough be melt away in the name of Jesus

Father Lord, open my eyes to the things that will be profitable for me in Jesus name

Holy Spirit, Give me an obedient heart in the name of Jesus

I cancel every curse militating against my finance in Jesus name

I break the yoke of poverty over my finance in Jesus name

God of new beginning, open fresh door of financial breakthrough for my life

Thank you Lord for your faithfulness in providing for me and my family

Father Lord, I thank you for your plan of prosperity over my life

Father Lord, let every dead area of my breakthrough receive resurrection in Jesus name

Every seed of affliction in my life and finances, turn it to breakthrough in Jesus name

READ THIS  Bible Verses on Money Management

God, let all my aborted breakthrough to return in Jesus name

God deliver me from time-wasting devices

Thank you Lord, for making me a blessing to those who lack

Any serpent that has swallowed my blessings, I command you to vomit it by fire in the name of Jesus

Lord, I thank you for making me a winner always

Thank you for your grace and mercy in my life


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1 Comment

  • keijo leppioja
    January 5, 2019 at 12:05 pm

    Help and pray you too for me in my the fight against false doctrine who not confess Jesus blood in salvation,but use own victims,thanks and bless,keijo sweden


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