
Effective Prayer For Firstborn Of The Family To Excel


prayer for first bornAs your parents’ first issue, a prayer for firstborn is not what you should take with levity, while your parents are younger or the kind of family you came out from may require you to be steadfast in your prayer life because most family battles are being fought by the first child of the family. As the one who paves way for your siblings, prayer for firstborn is required of you coupled with fasting.

20 Prayer For First Born

Every fundamental power working against me as the firstborn of my family, Lord God demolish them by fire

Lord God, every power that wants to make me useless to my parent destroy them with your fire

As the firstborn of my family, Lord God make me the head in Jesus name

Powers blocking my moving forward in life, be destroyed by fire in Jesus name

Failures that pursue my parents, today is your last day. Die by fire

The power to help and support my siblings should be upon me  on Jesus name

Every evil pronunciation on the firstborn of my family, be destroyed in Jesus name

Every inherited curse as the first child of my parents, I put a stop to it in my life today

Every power that is making me to labour in vain, your end has come today  in Jesus name


Father Lord use your power of strength to empower me with your blessings for me to act as the head of the family

Lord God make a source of help to my siblings in Jesus

Evils hands that does not make firstborn to prosper in my family, dry up by the power of the almighty

Evil covenant that I have been placed on because I am the first born of my father, Lord God take me out of them in Jesus name

Powers that shut down the progress of first born in my household, be consumed by fire in Jesus name

Anyone from my father and mothers house holding down my glory as the first child, be destroyed in Jesus name

Lord God, let your glory shine upon me in Jesus name

Heavenly father let this firstborn prayer be effective in my life


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