
Cross Over Into 2019 As A Champion With This Prayer




cross over into 20192018 has come and its about rounding up in few days. There are issues that may have put you in thoughts, thinking deep about throughout the year and you never come out of it, yes, it is not too late for God to put his mighty hands on any situation you are passing through in the remaining days of the year.

Cross over into 2019 as a champions, let the giant in you stay up and begin to see things beyond your imaginations or your human thoughts because 2019 will be a year of great manifestations of the power of God in our life. his wonders and miraculous powers will be present in every of our activities throughout the year 2019 as we live as a champion

21 Prayer Points To Cross Over Into 2019

Thank you Lord for making me to see the last days of 2018

Heavenly father,I give you all the praises and honor because I will cross over into 2019 in anytime soon

Heavenly father, the power to love and serve you more should come upon me in the year 2019

I will not backslide from you in Jesus name, I shall always be in your presence

Heavenly father, as step into 2019 you will take charge of all my activities

Father Lord, every power that stops me from achieving success in 2018 that wants to follow me into 2019,Father Lord use your mighty hand to take them out of my life

Power of the evil ones that have limited me to a place, heavenly father let them go with 2018

Father Lord make 2019 a year I will retrieve everything the enemies must have stolen from me

Father Lord make year 2019 a success in everything I do, your glory should shine in me

Oh Lord, things I could not achieve all these years, make 2019 a year I will achieve them easily

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power from my father and mothers house that has vowed that 2019 will be worse for me,heavenly father as 2018 is parking off,Lord let them pack off with 2018 in Jesus name

Heavenly father, stretch your mighty hand into my life in 2019 like never before

Father Lord,the plans of the evil ones for my in 2019 will work on me, it shall be back to sender in Jesus name

Every evil mark chasing good things away from my life, Lord God clear them off before I enter into 2019

Father Lord, let my destiny helpers locate me in the year 2019, those you have created for my rising shall come in contact with me in Jesus name

In this year 2019, my heavens shall open and it shall be showers of blessings always

In the year 2019, sickness and pains will be far from my household

The Egyptians I see in the year 2018, come 2019 I shall see them no more

father Lord, thank you for making me to see another great year of my life

I thank you for the manifestation of your glory upon my life and family

Lord I thank you for prayers answered in Jesus name.



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