
Powerful Prayer For My Husband

Prayer For My Husband

Saying a prayer for my husband today, Lord I believe in you that is why I have come to you to intercede for my husband in all areas of his life. I thank you that you will answer me and turn the life of my husband to the best a man should be to his wife and family. Every area that needs your touch in his life will be touched, he will begin to feel the impact of this prayer from this moment, and you will begin to surprise him beyond what he has imagined in life. Amen

Powerful prayer for my husband

Lord I thank you as I begin to pray for my husband, you will answer me

As I pray this prayer for my husband, let him begin to experience the supernatural hands of God in his life from today

Heavenly father, I bring (say his name) to you today, God come and bless the works of his hand, make him a success in his business dealings

Father Lord, bless my husband and make him the head of the family as you have mandated in your word

God I come against the spirit of demotion in the life of my husband, let it be destroyed

That problem that comes to a man in which he finds it difficult to feed his family, heavenly father do not let it come to my husband

The source of wealth of my husband should not go dry in Jesus name

That promotion that my husband is due for, heavenly father, touch the hearth of the decisions makers to give it to him in no time in Jesus name

Father strengthen my husband so he can work to earn in feeding his family

Lord God, let anything he touches become gold and bless his works

Lord provide my husband with a great job that will make us forget any suffering we may be going through now

Dear Lord, open the book of remembrance concerning my husband at his place of work, grant unto him accelerated progress and promotion at his workplace

Heavenly father, I come against every office enemies that are planning evil to bring my husband down from the ladder of greatness

Father Lord, direct the steps and activities of my husband at his place of work

Lord God, make my husband his bosses delight and when next they think of elevation, he should be given

My husband business partners that are planning evil against him, God put confusion into their midst

God, raise the bar and connect my husband with international business partners that will change his status for ever

I pray wherever his proposals are lying now, I call on the supernatural mighty power of God to touch the hearth of the person approving should give him the contract

Any meeting that they do because of my husband’s job should come out to favour him

God increase my husband with more knowledge in performing his work diligently and efficiently

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Lord, I come against the spirit of backsliding that is making my husband to feel not concerned about worshipping God

God I pray for increase in my husband spiritually so he can lead his family spiritually

Increase him in the things of God and of the spirit of God

Lord I come against every bad company my husband is keeping

Lord, that company or friends that influence my husband negatively, let them separate now by the mighty power of God

I pray against any strange woman that wants to scatter our union

Any evil forces that is manipulating my husband to not enjoy our union, heavenly father destroy them by fire

Lord God, come and make our marriage more fruitful than before

The major things that makes our marriage a lovely should increase and not reduce in Jesus name

As I say this prayer for my husband, heavenly father any part of my life that needs your touch also, Lord God touch me by your power

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